Orgasmic Birth

So our local ICAN group hosted a showing of Orgasmic Birth last night. I thought it was a great movie, though the title was unfortunate. The filmmakers seemed to want to draw attention with the title, which is fine, but it was really not so related to the content of the movie. The movie was mostly about natural birth, homebirth, hospital birth, and the unfortunate reality that most women just aren’t given the tools and information they need for a satisfying and safe birth experience. A few of the women in the movie talked about orgasms during childbirth, but that was a small, small part of the movie.

A few thoughts on the movie’s content:

1. Several of the couples were kissing and making out during labor. Ina Mae Gaskin’s books talk about this, too. Yeah, maybe our relationship just isn’t as passionate as others’, but you know – I love my husband and all, but, um, NO KISSING during labor. I can barely handle listening to him talk. (There are very few voices I want to listen to in labor, I’ve discovered. All of them are female.)

2. Several people talked about it being very pleasurable or feeling good when the baby came out. Now, I would agree that it felt really good when my babies came out. Orgasmic? No. I compare it more to this: If a car was sitting on my foot, and then it moved, that would feel really good. Pleasurable, even. It would not be anything like an orgasm. There is the same sense of release, relief, built-up tension suddenly going slack. But it’s just not the same.


So somehow my children have shifted their sleep schedules without my consent. Miss G used to have fussy time at 7, for two or three hours, then sleep. Wally used to sleep at 10 or 11. Suddenly, everyone’s going to bed at 6:30 or 7. And I’m not ready to go to sleep until 8 or 9 (and that’s early for me) so when they’re all up at 1 or 2 (or sometimes 4 for Wally), I’m exhausted.

Obviously, I need to start going to sleep when they’re asleep, but dang. No matter how sleepy I am during the day from lack of sleep at night, I generally cannot actually GO to sleep that early. sigh.