Children’s Movie Reviews: Toy Story 2

Second in a series.

Toy Story 2.
What I like: I like the story, again. Friendship, servanthood, a higher purpose in life, loyalty. And again, the one-liners. (“But I don’t wanna use my head!!”). I also really like the clever filmography. The transitions between scenes are really well done, and one of those touches I expect from Disney – things they add for the adults.

What I don’t like: Jessie’s voice is a little irritating at times. And Jessie’s story is SO SAD. I can’t listen to the “When Somebody Loved Me” song because it’s just too depressing. And the merchandising aspect is a little wierd – I mean, all Disney movies are merchandised to death. But these movies are actually ABOUT the merchandise. Hm.

Willing Suspension of Disbelief Becomes Challenging:
1. There are some obvious mistakes that take away from my enjoyment of the movie. Things moving around in the background at random, for example.
2. At the end, the toys drive a luggage cart back home. Funny, but seriously how did they get it out of the airport?
3. How does Woody possibly not know who he is? It was explained that he is an old family toy – Andy’s mom obviously had him as a child…did she have a Woody doll but no exposure to the rest of the Roundup Gang or the TV show?? Not likely, especially in the 50s.

What Wally could learn: Toys have feelings, too. The joy of a pithy one-liner.

What Wally probably is learning: To wear traffic cones on his head. (OK he already does that.)

More on the movie here.