
No photo.

Got rid of:

Electric Griddle
Clay Roasting Pan
Large decorative angels
Plastic window covering for 3×5 windows. (bought on clearance when we were in our apartment, then we moved before winter into this house with no 3×5 windows that need to be covered)
Fitz and Flyod Easter container

Winnie the Pooh planter, empty. If it doesn’t have a plant in it within a few months, it’ll go away.

My Favorite Websites

Yes, the internet does eat up a fair amount of my time. I can justify it by saying that I GENERALLY am online only at two times of the day:

1. Night after everyone else has gone to sleep, and that computer time in the late hours/wee hours is MY time. My alone time. Yes, I could (and probably should) be sleeping, but there’s something just downright luxurious about doing whatever I want to for an hour or two. I go online. I do some gaming. I catch up on Blogs.

2. Afternoons while Wally nurses/sleeps. He’ll sleep by himself for an hour or so while I work. Then he’ll want to nurse and sleep for about another hour. I work on the computer during this time, but it’s usually work and not fun. Emails, processing orders, website maintainence, my continual process towards learning how to use Dreamweaver, etc.

Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately, as I do miss the camradarie), I am not part of any online communities that I go to very often. I go to Gentle Christian Mothers the most often, and that’s only once a week or so. Online BBs used to take up a LOT of my time. Then I had a toddler and said farewell to that much leisure time.

So, lengthy intro over. Here are my favorite websites.

1. Bloglines. Keep track of all of your blogs in one convenient place. I never was too into blogs before because it was too many bookmarks to manage. Now…so easy.

2. Paperbackswap. Free books. Get rid of books you don’t want. Who could ask for anything more?

3. Gentle Christian Mothers. A nice community of crunchy christian mamas.

4. Flickr. Easiest to use of any online photo website I’ve tried, and I think I’ve tried them all.

5. ZD Net. Any time I need a download, they have what I need.

6. LibraryThing. It’s fun, especially for people as book-mad as I can be.

7. Google. As much as I want to dislike Google, I love it.