Little Places for Little People

Little Places for Little People – the Hamper

Originally uploaded by sarahtar.
Wally loves little places these days. The hamper, under laundry baskets, in boxes. He spent most of an afternoon in the box that our telescope came in, and spent a good chunk of our time at the Iowa Right to Life book sale trying to climb into a box about the size of a breadbox. (Failing that, he made do by walking around with the box covering his top half, effectively blinding him.)

It’s so funny when we find him, too. He usually just crawls into these small places and sits there, pondering. What is he thinking about, I wonder, while curled up in impossibly small contortions?

Other times, he crawls into his hideouts and then turns around with “‘mon, mommy!, ‘mon!!” So I crawl in after him, if at all physically possible, and then we sit there together, thinking.