Hm. Freaky.

Sarah —

[noun]:A hermit living in the big city

‘How will you be defined in the dictionary?’ at

Pretty accurate, and I have used the word hermit to describe myself about 4 times in the last week.

Thanks for the link, old long lost friend Jon (and his wife, too.) Though why it didn’t define me as sexually stunning is beyond my ability to understand.


It’s so fun watching Wally start to use his imagination. Today, he was pretending he was a dog. (This is an activity he started over the weekend at my sister’s house, when he wanted to go into the pen with her two dogs.)

Yesterday, while watching Monsters Inc, he was doing whatever activity the characters in the movie were doing. When Mike picked up a new scream container to snap it into the scream container holder, Wally picked up his imaginary scream container and walked it up to the TV to snap it into place in Mike’s holder.

He’s never really been a pretender before, so this is a fun development.

Woof Woof

Indoor Rain Forest in Iowa

Earth Park they’re calling it. And all the Republicans are being quick to trash it, make granola jokes, etc.

Now, I will say, as a Republican, I have been horrified, absolutely horrified that Grassley, who I otherwise like very much, has been busy shoveling the pork around in Washington. Come on, man. The Federal budget is out of control. As a Republican, you’re supposed to want FEWER of these types of federally-funded projects!!

But as a parent, and a future homeschooling parent, I’m kind of excited about the project. It does sound like a very great educational tool. If it actually gets built without sucking the state dry.