Sunday Scribblings #25 – GoogleMagic

Sunday Scribblings

You come up with your own subject, but the catch is: choose something you want to know more about, and google it.

This is interesting because I navigated to Sunday Scribblings after having just completed, for reasons I don’t entirely remember, a search on the history of the bra.

Apparently, breasts have been restrained for a good long time, for both practical and fashion reasons.  The modern bra was invented by an American woman in the early 1900s. (Her patent was issued in 1914.) The modern bra got the shape and function we are most familiar with today in the 1920s by some dress designers hoping to make their dresses look better by defining the breasts more.

I’ll note here that I’ve not worn a bra for over 2 years, though I still own about 6 of them. (2 nursing bras, 4 bras from my pre-baby days.) I keep thinking about getting rid of them entirely, but am stopped by the thought that if I never need to wear a bra again, I’d then have to go out a buy one, and I hate – hate – hate bra shopping. (And so if I’m going to keep one, I may as well keep all of them – white, black, tan, and strapless – one for every possible brawearing situation.)

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