Another interesting parallel, unrelated to the other

My friend (or, really, acquaintance as we’ve lost touch over the years) Jon directed his blog readers to his pastor’s blog (Ministry Matters) and encourages us to respond thoughtfully.

Jon has an excellent and well-thought-out post responding to the Ministry Matters post “An Audience of One.”

But what struck me while reading An Audience of One was something completely different.

While I’m not especially disturbed by the number of critics out there in the world, I am disturbed by the number of critics in our churches. And these are, after all, supposedly Christian people who are instructed to build up the body of Christ. The sad thing is that so many believers frequently use their words and actions to tear others down instead.

Now I’ll be the first to admit that I have several areas in my life that could use improvement in one way or another. That being the case, I tend to be somewhat reluctant to criticize other people for their shortcomings. However, I’ve noticed that some people apparently feel they are called to criticize others — be it their personality, their physical appearance, their singing voice, their parenting style, communication style, or some other aspect of life.

Hoooo, man. Talk about hitting someone where it hurts. Yes, folks, this is me. And it’s been coming to my attention ever more frequently these days that I am WAAAAAY. Too. Critical. I’m downright catty at times. Not so much to people’s faces, or even out loud (though certainly out loud often enough). But I can sure criticize others. (I have a few theories on why this is but I won’t bore you with them.)

Garrick then quotes Ephesians:
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (Ephesians 4:29)

I’m thinking that God’s trying to tell me that this is what He’s working on next. Or rather, what He’d like me to work on next. And I’m dragging my heels, saying, “No, God, I’m not done with the last thing yet!! I’m still not good enough in this other area…I can’t move on!!”

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